Burn-out: our approach

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Burn-out: our A²B²C² approach

Based on our experience we feel 6 important ingredients play a role in the ‘burn-out’ recovery. We coined the following formula: A²B²C².

  • Acceptance x Activation (A²)
    • Accepting a burn-out is often the most difficult step. “This will never happen to me. This is for ‘losers’.
    • We define this as active acceptance: acceptance as it is, without prejudice.


    • Research shows the importance of physically activating the coachee as quickly as possible
    • The goal is simple: regaining physical strength in order to regain mental strength
  • Belief x Behaviour (B²)
    • We look at the ‘blocking beliefs’ which cause burn-out.
      For example: “Working every weekend is normal, because it proves I am a dedicated employee.”
    • We look for ‘helping beliefs’ which will allow the coachee to live a well-balanced life again.
      For example: “I organise my time so that I can actively recover, spend time with family, children, friends, hobbies, …


    • Talking and thinking is one thing. Effectively implementing another.
    • Coachees are asked to effectively put new insights into practice… There is no such thing as a free lunch!
  • Contract x Commitment (C²)
    • Contract with yourself: active and authentic commitment to the process – in an open and honest dialogue with yourself.
    • Contract coach – coachee: clear agreements regarding content, approach and implementation.
    • Contract coachee – manager/HR: at the end of the coaching process the coachee presents his/her contract of co-operation and discusses the feasibility with his/her manager/HR.


    • Having a ‘contract’ is not enough, there needs to be a visible change in behaviour, as a result of the contract.
    • Hence we expect a clear and active commitment of all stakeholders (coach, coachee, the coachee’s manager).

Before, after or during the coaching session the coachee can use our Ikigai Reflection Room, Wi-Fi and drinks included.

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Our peaceful coaching facilities: indoor or outdoor

We deliberately choose to organise the coaching sessions at our coaching facilities located in a peaceful and green environment, right next to the river Scheldt.
This creates inner peace and leads to deeper concentration and thus has more impact.

The coaching sessions take place

  • in our coaching rooms
  • in our quiet garden
  • or during a walking coaching session along the river Scheldt.

Before, after or during the coaching session the coachee can use our Ikigai Reflection Room, Wi-Fi and drinks included.

’Ikigai’ is a Japanese concept, meaning ‘Reason for being’ or ‘Purpose’.